
Snow Scooter Slope

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Consegna 3-5 giorni lavorativi
Reso fino a 365 giorni


Continua la tua progressione sui monopattini freestyle con una "versione invernale", l'Eretic Snowscoot.

Con una struttura molto simile a quella di un monopattino normale, potrete eseguire facilmente barspin, whip e molti altri Monopattini, solo sulla neve.

Costruito per lo slopestyle e con una forcella a perno

  • Le parti sviluppate dai piloti si combinano per darvi tonnellate di divertimento, sopra le piste e nei Funpark.
  • Un monopattino da neve leggero che resiste alle condizioni invernali.
  • Anche con le scarpe spesse sopra, i perni in acciaio del deck continueranno a fare presa


Altezza totale:
95cm (37.4")
No assemblato
Larghezza manubrio:
620mm (24.4")
Altezza del manubrio:
720mm (28.3")
Lunghezza deck:
58cm (22.84")
Larghezza deck:
14cm (5.5")
Angolazione canotto di sterzo:
Tipo di sistema di compressione:
Acciaio Chromoly, Aluminio Serie 6000

recensioni   (13)

Acquirente verificato
"Schaut optisch super aus. Wurde nur getestet auf einen Hügel aber geht irre schnell und gut. Wird ein Pistenspaß!"
Melanie Katnik (Keutschach) 02/02/2022
Acquirente verificato
"Fantastic product. High quality. It would be good to publish - and regularly update - a list of ski resorts that currently allow snow scooters on the lifts. We are in Innsbruck and the Seegrube (Nordkettenbahn) for one, does allow snow scooters to be transported in the Cable Car."
Markus Prader (Axams) 13/01/2021
Acquirente verificato
"Comme sont nom l indique skatepro service et qualité de la snowscoot au top!!!"
jouve Jérôme (Venelles) 14/01/2021
Acquirente verificato
"Excellent produit, arrivée en temps et en heure. Le snowscoot est réellement bien pensé et agréable à manier une fois qu'on a pris la main dessus. Petit bémol, les mousquetons (liche) qui nous relie au snowscoot sont fins et fragiles, un coup un peu violent dessus peut les retourner et les briser. Je recommande vivement pour les amateurs de trottinettes freestyles ou skieur/ snowboardeurs en quête de nouvelles sensations."
corentin rousseau (thaire d'aunis) 30/12/2019
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Michael Schnitzler (Düsseldorf) 13/01/2021
Acquirente verificato
"Just as great as I expected. Fun for all ages"
Nick Noss (Brillion) 03/02/2021
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"Rask levering"
Agnija Clarke (Randaberg) 13/01/2021
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"Great company and a great product!"
Peter Zeman (Hayden) 13/01/2021
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"Awesome product and quality is high!! My son is having a blast on it. We have a small ski resort in our hometown of Grand Haven, MI. There are only tow ropes, so my son is trying to get accustomed to the tow rope, but working on getting up the lift. The Eretic Snowscoot Slope carves beautifully and is a smooth ride down hills. My son is anxious to go to a larger resort where he can carve up the runs!!"
Dirk Stone (Grand Haven) 13/01/2021
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"Super fun, great quality"
Jason Smalley (Ottawa) 13/01/2021
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"Quality is outstanding"
Brent Powers (Cherry Hills Village) 13/01/2021
Acquirente verificato
"Sprzęt super, wytrzymały, nic się nie odkręcało. Jedynie wyszła rdza na łączeniu kierownicy z czepieniem. Rączki gumowe się nie obracały. Jedynie brak instruktorów. Nauka musiała być samodzielna. Dziecko zadowolone."
Błażej Komorowski (Gowarzewo) 02/01/2020
Acquirente verificato
"Veldig morsom!"
Marius Rødven (Lierskogen) 30/12/2019
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