
Pro 80 Pattini a rotelle

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Sentiti nostalgico su un paio di Pro 80s della Roces

I pattini a rotelle Pro 80 della Roces vi porteranno indietro nel tempo ai bei vecchi tempi alle partite di quad hockey tra amici o semplicemente una passeggiata in strada durante l'infanzia.

Super-sostegno e stabilità

  • Grazie alla struttura rigida e alla spessa imbottitura della scarpa, proverete la sensazione di un ottimo sostegno
  • La shell è quella degli apprezzatissimi pattini Roces M12 che sono stati testati e approvati da alcuni dei pattinatori più forti del pianeta
  • I pattini Pro 80 hanno una configurazione leggera che vi faranno pattinare facilmente, lasciandovi il totale controllo in qualsiasi momento


Diametro ruote:
Materiale Plate:
Tipo di scarpone:
Duro, Scarpa alta
Caratteristiche del Liner :
Removibile, Forma anatomica
Precisione dei cuscinetti:
Spessore delle ruote:
Spessore Mozzo:
Durezza delle ruote:
Materiale Ruote:
PU casted
Materiale dello scarpone:
Materiale scarpa interna:
Pelle sintetica, Imbottitura, Microfibra
Stabile, Supporto laterale alto
Consigliato per:
Pattinaggio outdoor

recensioni   (29)

Acquirente verificato
"Prompte Lieferung, gutes Service. Passen perfekt"
Anita H. (Wagna) 30/03/2021
Acquirente verificato
"Die Rollschuhe sind einfach perfekt 👌"
Kalbermatten Martina (Breiten) 21/04/2021
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"Alles gut. Top Qualität"
Diego Ariel Argañaraz (Zürich) 27/04/2020
Acquirente verificato
"Ich habe eine 42 bestellt für meinen Mann, der Rollschuh war sogar mir mit einer 39 zu klein. Der Rollschuh wäre super, aber 4 (!) Grössen zu klein geschnitten!!!"
Rachel A. (Wabern) 01/04/2020
Risposta da SkatePro:  Hallo Rachel,
Danke für die Bewertung.
Tut mir leid, dass der Rollschuh viel zu klein war. Wir danken für das Feedback und werden uns die Größentabelle vom Hersteller genauer ansehen und ggf. überarbeiten.
Acquirente verificato
"Bin zufrieden. Vestendo Dank"
Matteo Rossinelli (Cureglia) 23/09/2019
Acquirente verificato
"maintien bien le pied"
Axel Bolomey (Villeneuve VD) 20/09/2021
Acquirente verificato
"excellent produit aucune difficulté pour passer la commande et les délais de livraison ont parfaitement été respectés Prix très compétitifs"
Myriam LAZREUG (Cannes) 02/04/2021
Acquirente verificato
"Estoy muy contento con la compra. Por un lado, el paquete llego el mismo día que me indicaron tras hacer el pedido. Respecto a los patines, estoy encantado, son muy cómodos y a pesar de llevar mucho tiempo sin patinar me he adaptado a ellos desde el primer día. Recomiendo pedir una talla más grande de la que tengas, yo tengo un 43,5 - 44 y pedí un 45 y me queda justo (perfecto)."
Sergio Jimenez Sanchez (Madrid) 27/03/2021
Acquirente verificato
"Vielen Dank. Super schnelle Lieferung."
Anne H. (Berlin) 30/03/2021
Acquirente verificato
"Leider waren die Rollschuhe zu klein. Ich werde Größe 45 bestellen. Da die Rücksendung jdoch so kompliziert ist, warte ich erst auf die Bestätigung der Rückkunft und der Mitteilung von Klarna. Warum konnte ich das Rücksende-Label direkt bezahlen und die Rollschuhe nicht? Warum Einfach wenn es auch kompliziert geht. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Achim Raak"
Achim Raak (Eckental) 14/11/2019
Risposta da SkatePro:  Hallo Achim,
Vielen Dank für die Bewertung.
Klarna bedeutet Zahlung auf Rechnung. Wenn man diese Zahlart auswählt, zahlt man 14 Tage nach Erhalt der Ware. Wenn man jedoch beispielsweise die Zahlart ,,Kreditkarte'', ,,Sofort'' oder ,,Paypal'' auswählt, kann man auch direkt zahlen. Es kommt immer darauf an, welche Zahlart man am Abschluss auswählt :-) /Kathrin
Acquirente verificato
"En super lækker rulleskøjte i meget fin kvalitet. Kan godt lide den solide yderstøvler, man føler at fødderne er godt pakket ind. Min første rulleskøjte med en separat inderstøvle. Størrelses guiden passer godt til mig. De ruller godt og virker meget stabile. Helt klart 5 stjerner her fra mig. Mvh. Knud"
Knud Kristian Stougaard (Vedbæk) 10/08/2023
Acquirente verificato
"The base plate is very basic with unfortunately slightly wobbly kingpins due to them being glued in place instead of screwed as is standard in higher quality plates. The toe stop is very long in relation to the size of the wheels thus limiting moves for more advanced riders (I removed them). The inner boot is not that great, the tongue ends up twisting off to one side and the liner does not protect all those contact points around the ankle so I also was forced to replace it because it gave me a painful blister! However the boot itself is very durable which for me was the main reason for purchasing this skate!"
Eugene Maynard (Göteborg) 29/06/2023
Risposta da SkatePro:  Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.
We're sorry to hear that the baseplate and kingpins on the skates didn't meet your expectations. We understand that these aspects can greatly affect the skating experience, especially for more advanced riders. Our aim is to offer products that cater to a wide range of skating preferences and skill levels, and we'll certainly take your comments into consideration as we work on future iterations. We appreciate your feedback regarding the inner boot, tongue, and liner.
We're glad to hear that the durability of the boot met your expectations, and we hope it continues to serve you well.
If you have any further suggestions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. If you have any further concerns or would like to explore options within our return policy, feel free to reach out to us!
Thank you once again for buying from us and for sharing your thoughts.// SkatePro Team
Acquirente verificato
Rob Streeter (London) 23/01/2023
Acquirente verificato
"Skate looked sturdy and well made, sadly I had ordered the wrong size- wanted a mans 7 but think I got a women's 7. Couldn't even fit front part of foot into it. Plan on reordering and hopefully getting the correct size. Am excited to try it."
Marg Shell (Edmonton) 09/03/2022
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