Robusta e resistente per la scena urbana, la Fusion 84 vi accompagna in città con il massimo controllo. Viene fornito anche con soulplates per consentire di fare stalli e piccoli grind.
Il grande controllo è possibile grazie al corto interasse (273 mm) e all'ottimo supporto del polsino e delle fibbie.
Diametro delle ruote:
Materiale telaio:
Caratteristiche del liner:
Removibile, Taglio a V, Assorbi Shock, Con lacci
Lacci, Fibbia, Velcro.
Precisione dei cuscinetti:
Durezza delle ruote:
Tipi di piastre:
Setup piatto
Massimo diametro della ruota:
Materiale dello scarpone:
Materiale del Liner:
NoN specifiCATO
Supporto laterale alto, Taglio a V
Incluso (opzionale)
recensioni (9)
"My best skates so far. Tough as hell and very comfortable. I'm size 42, ordered 42 as well and they fit perfectly. I can't get enough of them! 84mm wheels are just perfect size for urban skating. They simply cut through any city obstacles as a dream. I would recommend this skates to anyone into free ride." | |
Pawel Piatek (London) | 25/11/2013 |
Acquirente verificato | |
"I am very happy with my BR fusions. I used to have some cheap spiritblades, and these are so incredible compared. I use them mostly in Oslo to work or going around, and they are great for city skating. If I encounter some stairs or obstacles I can trust my skates to be stable, balanced and shock absorbing. I also think they roll really good. Not so good on very rough ground or cobblestone, but I can get very high speed on normal pavement. I bought my shoe size, 42 euro. I sometimes wonder if I should get one size larger. They fit perfectly, and I read in several forums that you should get the actual size for a better fit. The problem is that my right foot toe bumps into the hard shell. If I ride on a lot of rough ground or do many jumps, then I can get quite sore. I don't know if one size larger would make a loose fit. Overall I really love the skates." | |
Torfinn Dahl (Oslo) | 05/09/2013 |
"Er kjempe fornøyd den røller bra, eneste jeg må bli vant til øverste binding som jeg kan ikke strammes nok etter min smak, men ellers kjempe fornøyd" | |
Bram Snijders (Berlevåg) | 17/06/2013 |
Acquirente verificato | |
"Jättebra service! Fick produckten inom en vecka efter beställning. Valde storlek 46 (min storlek), fast hade kunnat köra med en halv eller hel storlek större; dock har jag inte haft några problem." | |
Nikolaj Fehrm (Falun) | 16/05/2013 |
"God service og hurtig levering fra skatepro og skaten er kanon fed!" | |
Joakim Bassø Gommesen (Nyborg) | 06/07/2012 |
"Hopefully I have ordered half size more, it fits perfectly… the delivery have been made really fast I got them in lest than a week... everything in order thanks.." | |
Carlos Osorio | 01/06/2012 |
"My shoe size is 43 and I order a 43 just a tiny bit to small so I will order a size 44. Other then that a great skate. I tested Seba FR1 but for me this was a better choice. The shoe is the same as Rollerblade X5 and if you buy Rollerblade Fusion X5 Frame with a pare of 80 mm wheels you will have a complete new skate to do some urban skating with." | |
Måns Zigher (Malmö) | 11/06/2011 |
"Goeie skates, maar veel te breed voor mijn voeten. Moeten nog aangepast worden met andere binnenschoenen en buckles ipv. veters en straps." | |
Marnix van den Broek (Groningen) | 06/06/2011 |
"Alt i orden.Takk" | |
Arkadiusz Brodowski (hønefoss) | 11/05/2011 |